I've reached the end of week 8 and ran for 20 uninterrupted minutes today for the first time. Yay!
Next week is the second "easy" week, which just means I'm not expected to add any more distance to my training. During the last easy week I decided to experiment with cadence, because mine is pretty low (definitely more a jogging pace than running). I'll probably do that again because today I was experiencing some shin pain, which I'm pretty sure is due to my slow pace.
This article explains how increasing running cadence reduces the stress on bones and soft tissues, and ultimately the pain you experience while running. It also explains the danger of making any drastic changes, so a very gradual approach seems to be the way forward.
Annoyingly on the last few runs I've also noticed some lateral hip pain on my right side, something that's plagued me for years. I've often wondered what causes it as it's pretty intermittent and usually the result of more vigorous activity, such as a brisk walk. This article suggests 2 common suspects: trochanteric bursitis and gluteus medius tendon inflammation or strain. Now I'm not certain what the cause of my pain is, but given I know my glutes are weak I wouldn't be surprised if this was a contributing factor. More to work on as ever.
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