
Monday, October 8, 2018


I've tried so hard to do my third training of week 3. As we speak it is thumping down outside, to the point that running would simply be foolhardy.  What's annoying is I genuinely tried to solve this problem by driving to the gym yesterday so I could attempt to run on the treadmill. I had a feeling it wouldn't end well as my last session on the treadmill left me very sore. I managed 5 intervals of running on the treadmill a couple of days ago.  Yesterday I managed one. The searing shin pain just made training out of the question.  Now obviously this was frustrating as I'd just ventured out to the gym to complete week 3. It clearly wasn't going to happen though, so I made run number 3 into a cross-training session instead. It'll be fine, I thought, I can run on the road tomorrow instead. Well...the picture above shows how that plan turned out. Tomorrow doesn't look good either. So I'm going to have to admit defeat on this one and just owe Nottingham Forest Community Trust £2. Not for lack of trying though!

Not being able to run on a treadmill without experiencing crippling pain is a bit of a problem, because it basically condems me to a lot of running in miserable weather this winter. To try and get to the bottom of the issue I asked my fiance to film me running on the torture contraption to see if the footage revealed anything obvious.  I'll upload the footage in the next post.

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