
Friday, July 27, 2018

All been a bit quiet lately...

Well, training hasn't been going all that well lately. I'm still lingering around week 2 of my training regime even though I should be well beyond that. I've been playing a waiting game with the weather. Shortly after my last run every single slot I'd allocated for training was thwarted by heavy downpours, not a reason to skip training per se, but at this stage I'm not so commited to running that I want to be soaked and miserable on a regular basis. The Derby 10k is suffieciently far away so what the heck, I thought, I'll sit it out for a bit. Now I face a different problem in that I wasn't expecting the Scottish Highlands to undergo such a prolonged period of heatwave. As I watch the local golf course slowly turn brown it's clear I'm not going to have comfortable running conditions any time soon.

Here are my main problems:

Raining - I don't like being cold. That's about it. The cold makes me cough which makes running unpleasant (cross country at school was always in the Winter, which made for a very miserable experience. I certainly never improved my stamina.)

Heatwave - The heat makes me very lethargic (by which I mean I have no energy for basic tasks, never mind running), and just by walking the dog a short distance every day lately I can tell that running in these conditions won't be productive.

So following some (more) research, I collected the following tips from the collective wisdom of the Internet. This is not an easy problem to tackle as it basically boils down to will power. I'd rather have a cup of tea on a rainy day than take to the roads, likewise on hot days I'd rather sit with a cool beer. So, what do the better disciplined runners out there advise:

When Raining:

  • Bear in mind that it may well rain on race day, so you may as well have some practice running in wet conditions.
  • Keep rain off your face by wearing a hat with a brim.
  • Train on the treadmill if the weather is really bad or during a thunder storm.
  • Make sure you're visible to other road users (i.e. high-vis vests)  as it's usually darker when raining.
  • Don't go overboard with layers - they will all get wet and become heavy. Dress for the temperature outside.
  • Invest in a wind shell jacket.
  • Invest in a polypropylene base-layer, as it is water resistent.
  • Be careful in slippy conditions - treat the road like you would a trail. Don't wear running shoes with worn flat tread.
When Hot:

  • Run early in the morning (and yes they mean early. I've seen 4.30am suggested in more than one place.)
  • Run in the evening when it's cooler (that's more like it).
  • Train indoors.
  • Stick to shorter runs.
  • Place greater emphasis on cross training.
  • Stay hydrated and ideally include sports drinks to replace electrolytes.
  • Recognise the warning signs of dehydration and heat stroke.
  • Keep to the shade.
  • Cool off in a lukewarm shower after stretching at the end of the run.
  • Wear a cap.
  • Wear light, loose-fitting clothing and apply sun cream. 
So why haven't I been training on the treadmill? Well, good question. I think the simple answer is I don't enjoy it much. I also found it wasn't really helping my stamina issues. At the gym I was able to run on the treadmill quite happily for about 10 minutes. When I then ran on the road for the first time I could only run for about 1 minute before my lungs were on fire. That said, some running is better than no running, so I take their point and will try and get back in the gym while this heat lasts.

Running in the evening is certainly an option.  The only place I can run in the shade round here is on woodland trails and I don't fancy changing terrain this early, particularly as my balance is poor and my ankle joints are pretty weak.

One thing I have been doing all this time to my credit is cross training.  I haven't just been lounging on the couch in my spare time.  I have been regularly practising pilates, as well as a number of exercises recommended in some of my running literature (which I'll discuss in a future post). The local pool is finally open after a long period of refurbishment, so there's another avenue I intend to explore, particularly while the heat is so intense. I've also been attending strength training classes at the gym (semi-regularly) and I hope that these activities are slowly addressing my muscle imbalances. The weakness in my right hip is pretty obvious in my pilates classes so plenty to work on there.

So, it looks like the primary problem is me desperately clinging to my comfort zone. Taking the point that it may well rain on race day I should probably invest in a cap, base layer and shell jacket. There is a local fun run coming up organised by Wester Ross Athletics on 22nd September so I may see if I can put in a decent effort in their 5k race. I better get out there.

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