
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Week 12 Run 1

Since my last post there have been a few set backs that have put me a little off track.   A big one was an arm injury. One doesn't really think about how injuring an arm would impact your running, but my left arm was very bruised and swollen around the elbow joint, making it hard to bend. The picture on the left really doesn't do it justice. Given the important role arms play in running, not being able to bend my arm without pain was a problem. I allowed myself some time off to recover. The weather hasn't exactly been favourable either, and as a result I've been doing lots of staying indoors in the warm and dry. Sadly, I think my body got the message that the hard times were over and it could start to get lazy again. I was doing a lot of computing while my arm was recovering, which meant lots of sitting, which meant sore knees through lack of movement (the precise thing I started Desk to 10k to avoid).

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Week 12 begins...

This is a photo from my final run of week 11. It was a 50 minute run not far from where I work. Week 11 dragged on a little bit, partly due to poor weather, partly due to a sore collection of chill blains on my toes, and partly because life just got in the way. So it's now Tuesday on what should be week 12, but I'm still calling that on-track.

Running for 50 minutes is quite the landmark for me. It was definitely type 2 fun - the kind where you enjoy the activity once it's over. It was tiring, though not painful. I didn't get any shin splints or calf pain, so that's a definite plus. I did get some uncomfortable tingling in my right toes though, so I'll have to investigate the cause. It's happened before on a long run. The first time I just thought my shoe was too tight. Don't think that was the cause today though. According to some quick internet research this is quite a common phenomenon. Some possible causes are:

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Another sucky short run

Run 2 of week 10 was supposed to be a bit of a landmark moment as it was the first run of my training programme without any walk breaks. It was a short run, so only 25 minutes. I ran for 40 minutes last time, so should have been achievable.

Alas, the short run struck again and I had one of my least enjoyable runs to date. For a start it was freezing, and breathing in very cold air isn't pleasant. Then, quite early on my right shin started hurting and got progressively worse. To make matters worse, there were a lot of free roaming cows on the road. They weren't particularly enamoured with me running towards them and really didn't like my metronome, so I had to do a lot of stopping and starting. Cows don't bother me, but if I'm bothering them I don't want them to panic and step out in front of cars. So although I ran for 25 (painful) minutes, there were lots of short pauses for cows and vehicles. Not the 25 glorious minutes of uninterrupted running I'd hoped for.

Meh. There are good runs and bad ones. I'm not letting this crappy run deter me, though I really need a strategy for reducing shin pain. Annoyingly I'm not sure what brings it on during certain runs and not others. It's usually on the right though, so there's some sort of imbalance at the root I'm sure. And yes I DID do a proper dynamic warm up before running today, so that shouldn't have been the cause. More work to be done.

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